Recreator was founded with the intention of maximizing the beneficial effects of industrial hemp on the globe by featuring hemp fiber in our apparel line. Since 2012, our vision has remained true to cultivating key relationships in the hemp fiber supply chain in the United States and abroad. Prohibition of Cannabis by the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act decimated a once flourishing hemp textile industry in America. Since that time, limited hemp farming and production have occurred on U.S. soil. With the passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, hemp pilot projects have catalyzed R&D in the hemp textile industry. We ensure that the hemp we source from the international market is produced with sound ecological principles, while we work with U.S. farmers and processors to develop new methods to grow and mill hemp fabrics stateside–from Seed to Stitch.
The future of hemp textile production will be regional. At this time, we work within an underdeveloped global market where the major supplier of hemp textiles is China. The Chinese have not been faced with overregulation of Cannabis, as has the U.S. They have millennia of experience with the plant, but that also means they may do things in an outdated fashion, i.e. wet retting or hand decortication. Currently, we import the vast majority of our fabric PFD from China to California. Here we begin the local production of garments that are low-impact dyed, cut & sewn by human hands in downtown Los Angeles. In today’s fast fashion culture, Recreator takes distinct pride in working with trusted and experienced partners to create lasting clothes. Hemp is the cornerstone to Recreator bringing regenerative farming practices to the fashion industry, which ranks closely behind oil and agriculture for its environmental impact.
When it comes to natural fibers, hemp requires far fewer chemicals and less water to grow than conventional cotton. Hemp plants and building materials also sequester huge amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. Because hemp textiles perform so well outdoors and help to conserve vital resources like soil and water, they encourage us to enjoy nature while working with it. Thus, our approach is simple: to make people more comfortable than they ever thought possible wearing hemp. Whether cruising the city or exploring the open trail, the natural versatility of hemp fabric makes it a needed luxury for life in motion. Recreator hemp fabrics are soft, breathable and odor-resistant while wicking away moisture. The climate-responsive, UV protective and antimicrobial properties of hemp speak to it being highly evolved for recreational use. For Recreator, making great clothes starts with the best fiber on Earth. Sow the Seeds®