GMO & The Global Fight For Farms
July 26, 2015That means an understanding of agriculture and industry is becoming more salient at every level of society, even apparel brands. When the topic of GMOs crashes into conversation, it's one of those knee-jerk politicized issues that elicits mostly unread and emotional responses, but rarely is anything resolved concerning the "truth" of the matter. While Recreator® keeps to a philosophy of not tampering with nature in its textile sourcing and manufacturing process, we understand there is still much to be known regarding how we produce food and fiber in America, right beside the economic realities faced by farmers.
The array of reactions to a broad, blanket phrase like "GMOs," suggests that people are mistakenly presenting a range of images all at once, hence the wide division in understanding and public attitudes: One portion of opinions jump into terrors about carcinogenic pesticides and the impact of chemical overuse on the environment. Others worry about the nutritional qualities of GMO.
Some lean heavy on the argument for high-demand, mass food production models that stabilize costs. And, like a downward spiral, there still more controversies inside the controversy for the digging. Whether you support GMO-labeling laws or you loyally farm for Monsanto, the one thing most of us agree on is these resource challenges will not be solved by distant, stonewall bureaucrats in D.C.
This is the first in a series of pieces Recreator will feature introducing complex questions we grapple with as a company within the crossover spaces of industry, agriculture and the environment. As VICE wrapped up its 3rd season, it released a quick debrief of their Savior Seeds episode that captured our interest. In it, Isobel Yeung explores sustainability, farming and attitudes towards genetically-modified organisms from farms around the globe.