DOC: Open Sesame – The Story of Seeds
December 24, 2015This is a relatively new phenomenon for human history and no doubt something that changes our relationship to how food is planted, grown and processed into various brand products. This precious resource of seeds is at risk, a topic explored in depth by director Sean Kaminsky’s documentary: ‘Open Sesame – The Story of Seeds.’ The film highlights a few concerning developments in the world of seed patenting, ownership, GMOs and broader ecosystem, not to mention other hot-topic agricultural issues.
Seeds are the foundation for so many products we often unconsciously put to use in our everyday lives: fabric, food, fuels and so much more. These seeds also grow the plants which provide us the oxygen and CO2 absorption we need to remain on this planet.
So why do so few talk openly about seeds? Featuring interviews with consumers, farmers, seed collectors and scientists like Dr. Vandana Shiva, the film not only delves into the environmental and industrial aspects of seeds, but also the culture war which orbits the issue. The film hopes to raise awareness of the politics and misinformation that often leads to a lack of questioning by shoppers at large.
'Open Sesame' will surely encourage you to rethink the conventional food system. “This is very much a local issue,” says Kaminsky. “It’s something that’s been taken away from the local platform but it needs to be a local issue.” Do you know where your seeds come from?